How to Prepare for a Job Interview?

How to prepare for your job interview

Preparing for a job interview is necessary to ensure you actually know what you’re doing. We’re so unfamiliar with expressing ourselves that we falter when it comes to it. Facing an interview can be nerve-racking. From dressing in your Sunday best to learning the correct technical jargon, a lot of effort and time is spent in putting your best foot forward.

Most of us are scared and anxious even though we know we’re the best candidate for the job. On top of that, expressing your true self and showcasing all your technical know-how and skills becomes difficult. All in all, it is a difficult journey. However, we are here to help you prepare for the interview and get your dream job.

What are three things you should do for an Interview?

I have spent hours on the internet, deep diving into dark holes to learn how to prepare for a job interview. Even so, I came out with as much knowledge as I had started. This leads me to understand that even though a job interview is a process most adults dread, it is not difficult to master. All you need is to focus on these three specifics, and you will have your dream job in no time.

1. Your Sunday Best (Job Interview Outfits) 

In a survey conducted by NVision, we found that about 41% of hiring managers prefer candidates who are dressed formally rather than casually, even if the candidates dressed casually had a better reference.
Your outfit for a job interview must be well thought out. It should be one of the first things on your mind when you prepare for a job interview.

So, what should you be wearing to impress the interviewer?

Your job interview outfit set a precedent for your worth to the hiring manager. However, that doesn’t mean you must go all out and dress too formally. Did you know that the industry in which you’re interviewing also matters? Well, if you’re looking for a manufacturing job, there’s a 61.8% chance that you will get hired based on your formal attire. Having said that, the numbers drastically alter in the wholesale and retail sector, where your chances of finding a job based on how formally you’re dressed may negatively impact your chances.

Basically, the formal-to-casual ratio will fluctuate based on your industry. Based on these observations, you can decide what to wear to a job interview.

2. The Dreaded Questions

The second most important factor is job interview questions. This is one of the best ways to sell yourself and showcase your worth and abilities to the hiring manager. Here are some job interview questions and answers to help you prepare.

What are your Strengths and Weaknesses?

This is one of the most common job interview questions. Even so, most of us dread it. Well, it is one of the easiest to prepare for; here’s how you do it.
As a matter of fact, the hiring managers are not necessarily looking for a list of strengths and weaknesses. They’re looking for your reasoning and how you can relate it to your work environment. This question is more to understand where you stand and if you can handle the position.
Be honest and keep it short. Explain how and why your strengths and weaknesses will affect the position you’re interviewing for.

Tell me about yourselves.

Undeniably, this is a vague question and can stump the best of us. The simplest way to crack this job interview question is by splitting it into three.
Your past, present, and future. Talk about your experience in the past and tie it to the position you’re applying for. Either way, as a recent graduate or a professional with more experience, align your experience with the company’s values. The present is simple, just let them know what you have to offer and how that would benefit the company. Lastly, the future, all they want to know is that their resources spent on training will be worth it. Explain your value and commitment to the company; build trust and show them you’re there for the long haul.

3. Company Knowledge

Research the company, its goals, mission and culture. Understand what sets them apart and their competitors. This will help you align your passion and goals with the company. It will also help you understand if you’re the right fit and express yourself.

Finally, don’t forget to send them a follow-up email after the job interview. We understand how hard it can be to put yourself out there to find your dream job. Let us help you find your dream job today!

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