“Employees are a company’s greatest asset – they are your competitive advantage you want to attract and keep the best. Provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company’s mission.” – Anne M. Mulcahy
To sum up the secret behind a successful business is a dedicated team of employees working towards it. Building this great team requires efforts along with right resources to search and get them hired. Hiring the best possible employees can mean a lot more than just the candidate’s salary. Costing 1.5-to-3 times more than that person’s salary and your valuable time. Maintaining them is another story.
Plenty of your day is already spent in analyzing the load of resumes if you do not have a dedicated HR department. A lot of these applications might not even be a good match for the role.
Consider the time spent on advertising, interviewing, verifications and all those between tasks.
It will take a while to cover these costs and to see the returns on these investments.
What to know how a recruiter can be helpful to you?
Whether you are hiring often or not, think about using a reliable recruitment service. It will help you in times when your employees’ time is already thinly stretched.
Spending time with the recruiters would be a good idea so they can know your key managers and company’s culture. to represent you as a company of choice.
A good recruiter has the best knowledge of where and how to find the best talents for your needs. They are aware of the current market trends, salary rates, and skills sets required.
Outsourcing this responsibility will get the job done in much faster time frame than you expected.
The biggest advantage is that they manage the employee for you from hiring to handling the payrolls and paperwork.
Agencies charge a small fee which is much lesser than the cost you might experience conducting an in-house recruitment. In fact using an agency can be more profitable for the company. The impact is much greater than the cost if they get the job done.
These agencies can also help you reduce overtime cost by providing skilled candidates for filling in gaps whenever overtime is required. This excludes the cost of paying overtime to your regular employee also saving them from getting tired.
Being an employer has got a lot harder than you think. Failure to abide to the many employment laws and clauses can result in huge penalties. Recruiters can advice about these laws and help you make the hiring process easy.